Allowance / Resistance Indicator
We know that our Inner Being is constantly acknowledging what we want and setting up the path to it vibrationally and instantly, so there is no work for us to do there, it’s done and ready for us to receive. What we got to focus on is being ready to receive, and the way we do that is keep our thoughts clear of negative (low vibe) energy. When we do that our vibe naturally stays high, as it only comes down from our choice of negative feeling thoughts. For this reason we would be wise to look at each area of our life and identify where we feel resistance, those negative feeling thoughts. Any area we are regularly choosing negative feeling thoughts, that means we have established faulty beliefs and they are influencing us, and so, what we must do is catch our self in that negative energy and re-think, re-frame, re-phrase or re-state our thoughts such that we are feeling good, knowing all is OK, we are on track and this situation is serving us in accordance with the creative process.
To help with this process of re-establishing a new dialogue about a situation that feels “bad” or unwanted to a situation that feels good, first we can use this Indicator sheet to identify the area. Once we do that then we can use either the thought exercise to move our thoughts from negative feeling to positive feeling or we can use the 4 step script writing process, they are very similar and achieve the same basic thing. A dialogue that starts generally feeling good as it is using the elements of the creative process to do so and then moving into a more specific dialogue about a particular area of our life after we have restored our confidence, trust and knowing that what we want is our.
What we are doing here is establishing a stream of thoughts, or it could be called a script, or a rampage or story. It does not matter what you call it, but it’s specific dialogue that you setup for yourself that feels good and then you practice it every day until you respond positively to that situation you had be reacting negatively to. Once you achieve that you know that you have deactivated the faulty beliefs and restored your natural belief. This is when those things you desire can now freely flow to you.
Allowance / Resistance Indicator