How do I maintain faith (trust) in the creative process, that I am the creator of own reality?

Maintaining faith (trust) in the creative process is really paramount for you to attract the things you want to attract because in order for them to manifest you have to be high vibe. If you have doubts, fear, worry, wonder if it’s happening that is low vibe and keeps you away from the frequency that you need to be at to let it manifest. So how do we keep our trust high?


Demonstrate to yourself that you cause “things” to come into your day / life and record it. You can demonstrate it by setting your attention and intention on things that have no resistance and watch them manifest. Also take note of the things that happen in your day, the things that show up and see if you can match it up with what has been on your mind, a match to your emotional state.

Many times, something will show up and you will find yourself saying, hey I was thinking about. You did that, you caused that manifestation. Refer to your record as needed to remind yourself you are causing the manifestation of these things. I suggest that people who go through my program read the book E2 by Pam Grout. It is nine energy experiments that prove that your thoughts create your reality. They are simple and this keeps you really connected with your power.


Read, watch or listen to a variety of reliable sources concerning the creative process (which includes law of attraction). Be sure they are reliable and accurate sources of information about the creative process so you are getting solid information. I have lots of references in the back of my book Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness and Harmony, and there are many more. I strongly encourage those who are doing my program, and even if you are not, to get input from many directions. When you hear many reliable sources saying the same basic things about being the creator of your reality, it really builds your trust. You come to the conclusion, hey all of these people, different ages, different parts of the world, different backgrounds saying the same thing. There has to be truth to it.


Pay attention to others who are realizing manifestations they desire and watch what they are doing with their vibes.


Develop the natural belief of your unlimited abundance and creative nature through repetition of accurate statements. We know even from traditional science that everything is energy and that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It simply changes forms based on the vibration impressed upon it. Since energy is unlimited and we have unlimited access to it via our thought>emotions, it stands to reason that we are the creator of our reality with access to unlimited abundance, that life is a field of unlimited possibilities.   You can visit my articles the Truth of Abundance and the Truth About You on this website under the Info section and Inspiration section for more discussion on what is true about you and your power. 


Notice the relationship between how your day goes and how you are feeling.


Notice when you make statements that indicate you are lacking something or you life is lacking something or that you can not be, do or have what you want, how negative emotions show up. Any statement you make that does not agree with the truth about you is going to produce a negative emotion, that is source energy, the larger part of you letting you know your thinking is inaccurate.  Source knows the the truth is that you can be, do and have the experiences you want, it is your inherent power and you have the support of universal forces and laws. 

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