Does crying put you in a low vibration? I’ve read that it’s good to cry – it helps to relieve stress and tension.

Very good question Audrey. The answer is very important to understand in terms of using your emotions to guide you to a high vibration. Think of emotions as relative to other emotions, to be clear, sadness is a lower vibration than optimism but much higher than depression. 

Crying, on the emotional scale (lets say sadness) is about half way down or half way up and this is an important distinction. If you are feeling joy (high vibration) then have a memory of something that causes you to feel sadness (crying), you have moved your vibration from high to low. If you have a thought about something that makes you feel depressed, you really have moved your vibe from high to low. However, if you are feeling worthless, or insecure and you move to thoughts that cause you sadness, you have actually increased your vibration, you are closer to a high vibration. 

This is critical knowledge when it comes to being the master of your vibration and your life because a person must know how to talk themselves up the emotional scale so as to maintain a high vibration. If a person is feeling depressed, it is very unlikely they are going to jump right to the high vibe of joy, but they can step up the scale to anger , then frustration then hopefulness and then right up to joy. 

So if crying feels good (or better) and feels like release of resistance then vibration will naturally rise and better feeling thoughts will come. If crying leans towards going even lower vibe or hanging around the vibe of sadness, then more resistance and not where we want to go. You don’t want to stay in any low vibe emotions but use it for awareness that you are not high vibe and then engaging self talk / action / any stimulus that causes a movement to feeling better. 

See the attached scale of emotions for an idea of how you are feeling and how close it is to a high vibe. The first 5 are where you want to be most of the time.

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