How does thinking about the past, present and future affect my vibration?

Do you spend time thinking about what was not so good about the past, the way things were, the way people were? Are you holding on to past memories that don’t feel so good? How about the future, does worry, fear or doubts creep in? Do you realize how much this thinking affects YOUR life? The law of attraction is purely subjective and simply accepts what is given to it by your conscious mind choices whether past, present or future, whether positive or negative. The law of attraction then uses that vibration and attracts into your life the equal vibrational experiences. If things about your life are not quite what you want, you may want to take some time and examine what you are offering in terms of energy frequencies to the law of attraction?

Remember the people of your past did the best that they could with the information they had. If their behaviors and decisions seem harsh or unfair or painful it just tells you about how much turmoil was within them. They too did not get the information around the universal laws of our personal power and emotional effectiveness. To be human is to be loving, kind, compassionate, helpful and all other elements that create an enjoyable life experience for all. If people act contrary to that then the light of their being has been dimmed to some degree with faulty beliefs about themselves and / or life in general. This happens to most of us to one degree or another until we figure it out and clear the layers of faulty beliefs that came at an early age. In the meantime our beliefs continue to attract to us the vibration they cause us to offer.

With regard to your thoughts about the future, there is no future other then what you are thinking about in the present moment, right now. The reason that this is true is because what you think-feel about today becomes your vibration, your instructions to the law of attraction which then goes out to bring that back to you in the moments to come. So if you worry about the future you are literally creating the thing you are worried about. If you just fix your attention on what you want you will receive that. Of course we have been thoroughly trained in fear and scarcity so we tend to expect the worst and without knowing the truth of our relationship to the universal laws and abundance we don’t have any confidence to believe we can have the good thing. It’s just a matter of education and using that knowledge, then we can be as effective at getting what we do want as we are at getting what we do not want.

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