How do I use affirmations effectively for the manifestations I want (money, relationships, career etc.)?

This could also be called learning how to talk yourself into a high vibration no matter what.

Although I am using money as the subject in this post, you can apply this concept to any area of your life for attraction.

Let’s say you want more money because you don’t have as much as you want. So you set out to attract it by using such affirmations as

I am a millionaire

I am wealthy

Money flows easily into my life

By the end of the month I will have X dollars

I am receiving great sums of money

Ok the first point to be clear on is this. When we use affirmations, it is not to ask for what we want, the asking has already been done. As soon as you felt the pinch of not enough money, you asked   In that dissatisfaction, the larger part of you heard what you want and vibrationally created it along with the path to it.  So your desire for money sits in your vibrational reality at a high vibration. We know it is there at a high vibration because when you think about having that money, it feels good. It feels like freedom, independence, joy, happiness, peace, ease etc. all high vibes.

When we use affirmations, it is for the purpose of stimulating us to that high vibe feeling where our desire is, so we become a vibrational match and then it can manifest.

So if you don’t have enough money and you affirm as I indicated above, it is very likely that such statements will not only invoke the idea of the money, but it will almost certainly invoke the idea that you don’t have this money, and this is resistance, low vibe feelings. You see if your vibe was a match to the money you wanted, it would be in your physical life experience, but your vibe is not presently a match to the money you want because you almost certainly have beliefs about money lack, or money scarcity or money fear that are active vibrations within you. So to make claims about money, it will almost certainly make those low vibes around money active.  If it does not and it really feels good to use these affirmations then go ahead and bask in them but if not, then a different approach to affirmations is needed.   If you have been using the type of affirmations I indicated above for some time and you are not getting any inspiration to act, seeing any changes, seeing anything show up that moves along to this desire, it is an indicator that the affirmations you are using include resistance.

As I mentioned, the money you want is in your vibrational reality at a high vibe and all you have to do to have it manifest is match the vibration of it. You can do that in many ways other than talking directly about it.  You need a way to match the vibe of what you want but at the same time it does not create resistance, so directly talking about money can be very counterproductive to allowing it to manifest when the topic of money has a low vibe association within you.

If you are using direct money affirmations but not seeing the results, this is where the strategy of being more general comes in handy.  Instead of talking about money directly use statements that cause you to feel at ease, feel abundant, feel OK. Such general statements have no resistance and when there is no resistance, vibe rises automatically and then law of attraction starts bringing the high vibe thoughts, ideas, specifics and the whole path that allows the money to come. Here are some examples of talking yourself into a high vibration.   See if any of them resonate with you.   The idea is to pick the ones that do and make up a sequence that gives you relief, soothes you, again causes you to feel that everything is OK and unfolding just perfectly.

I have the potential for anything that I want

I know that this universe is abundant

I like the idea of abundance

I am looking forward to the universe yielding to me a steady path to my desires

I understand that all of my abundance will not come all at once, that’s alright

I like a steady stream of abundance

I love knowing that I am the creator of my own reality, that I can dream big

My work is just to relax and allow it

I don’t want it to all come at once

I want to savor the ideas and the pieces that come

I like seeing abundance show up in my experience in different ways

I like knowing that life is meant to be good

I like understanding the laws of the universe

I like the power in that understanding

I like knowing as I feel more and more calm that I am right on track with what I am wanting, I am a vibrational match to it, in alignment with it.

It feels good to me to know that I can be or do or have anything that I choose

I like knowing that I can change my energy

I’m so looking forward to the details that will play out

It’s exciting to me to think about those who I will meet

And that there will be so many avenues through which things will flow

I don’t have to look into the future and figure it all out at once anymore than I have to plan a trip across the country and know every turn I am going to take along the way

Source energy has got my back, always has my back, always guiding me to high vibe thoughts


Another way we create resistance to the manifestation of money or other things, is that we have beliefs of how it has to come.   When we don’t like those ways or don’t feel good about them we setup a wash out situation with the universe.   We say I want this money (high vibe), but then we say but I don’t want the way it has to come, which is low vibe.   Our thinking is that we have to work for it in certain ways we don’t want to.   It’s like one step forward, 1 step back.    So we have to open our self up to all possibilities, trust that source energy can setup a solution that will be pleasant and enjoyable to reach that desire.   Say something like

I want X amount of money to manifest and I want to find a way that is compatible with me to receive it.

I know there are many people who got it and got it in ways that would not be uncomfortable to me

The idea is to really let go of how it has to come.    Be focused on what you want and why, rather than what you want and how you are going to get it.    Say I know there are people who were once standing where I am, wanting it and not having any idea how it was going to come.

Once you start talking only about the what and why, you are more in alignment with the vibration of it and things start showing up that you didn’t previously have access to because of your lower vibration.   Ideas begin to occur and rendezvous with others etc.    Keep this energy going and when contradictory thoughts show up release them.   They will of course show up because they have been practiced but now you have ways and reasons to release them.     Increase the trust that you can be, do and have what you want.

Another important aspect is to be happy where you are, you can’t put out a low vibe about your current life and expect to be on the same high vibe as what you want.   If you feel lack and misery you attract more of that.    Think more about what’s over there in your mind, talk yourself into a different vibration so you attract different manifestations.   Tell it the way you want it to be, you can’t face a reality and have it change, ignore it and focus your mind on where you want to be.   Face the parts of your life you like and fill in the rest with imagination and expectation.    Maintain lists of things to appreciate, what’s working, positive aspects, look for the good, feel good.   Fill in the rest with imagination, visualization and pretending.

As you do this, you will find things like a dream that brings you closer to the desire, you may hear a talk show, see an interview, meet someone, find a book, see an ad, right place, right time.   It all starts to work, it all comes together to get you to where you want to be.

The law of attraction does not know the difference between someone who has a million and someone who feels like they have a million.   When the vibe matches, the law of attraction must deliver.

This works the same for all aspects of life, career, relationships, family, health everything.

Find and practice the vibration of your desire until it supersedes the vibration of doubt and then you are ready to receive your desire.

Here is a little dialogue to help you with feeling the possibility of your desire.  Say to yourself, is this possible? The answer of course is always, well if I can match the vibration of it then it is possible. Then the next question is, can I match the vibration of this desire? Well of course I can because I can imagine it and I can feel it in my mind. And that means I have reached the vibration of it. So the answer is yes it is possible that I can have this experience I want and I have the power to make it so. Take charge of your mind to take charge of your life.

You see your job is not to talk the money into your life, that is, it’s not to convince the law of attraction to bring it to you.  Your job is to basically, get out of the way so the law of attraction can deliver it to you.   How do you get out of the way.   You get yourself to a place of non resistance, match the vibration of it.  That’s it.

So if you are using affirmations to talk your way to what you want, you probably are not seeing the results you want.   If you are finding the affirmations that are putting you at the vibration of what you want you are seeing the results you want.

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