Category Archive for: Money

How do I deal vibrationally with the fear of loosing money?

Fear is an emotion, part of your emotional guidance system, it is a negative frequency emotion meaning that it is telling you that your thought about money is inaccurate in terms of your power as a creator, that the thought is not vibrationally in agreement with what you want which is abundance, certainty, freedom, security […]

I am just curious to know if you have any plans for writing a book on “Money Wealth & Prosperity Consciousness”.

I will address your question in a round about way but bear with me and you will understand the answer. Many people think that manifesting is a conscious effort to use ones mind in a way that will bring specific desires, like money. In other words, people think if I spend so much time each […]

How to allow money to manifest when there are limiting beliefs?

If you have a desire and a belief that opposes it and you attempt to make specific affirmations about having that desire it will almost certainly cause resistance and prevent the manifestation. Many people say “I have been affirming that I have money, money is coming, money flows into my life easily, etc., ” but […]

How do beliefs hold us back from attracting what we want and what can we do about them?

Our beliefs are in our subconscious mind, it’s kind of like a storage cabinet.  Beliefs represent active energy in our vibration and so when they are limiting and faulty, that means we are offering low vibrations and attracting what we don’t want.  How do we deal with this? Well, some topics you can use ignoring […]

What do you do when confronted with physical reality that limits your current ability to buy something or get something for your children?

Thank you Katherine, I really appreciate these questions as they help the group really tune into how this creative process works and how to work it. This is a great scenario to launch a very important explanation with many energy vibration teaching points. First let’s get clear on the situation from an energy perspective. You […]

I want to be a billionaire, how?

The very short answer to this persons statement is, this person is a billionaire now, we all are (if we desire to be). It’s not about getting the billion, it’s all about allowing it to manifest. It’s done, it’s already there and waiting in vibrational reality. When a female is pregnant, you don’t hear her […]

Besides feeling good, is there another means to attract money faster?

Question from member Creating and trusting our good thoughts feeling good and eagerness to receive are our tools to manifest what we want. Is there means to attract faster manifestations for money? aside fr. staying in high vibration mode. Answer If you are happy and satisfied now, if the journey is sweet, if you are […]

When manifesting money does it come in small bits or start flowing big quickly?

The full question is this.  Do you find that, in terms of money, it starts to come in small bits – like an indication that your vibe is working and building from there? Or it comes in the full form of what you envision after extended time in a high vibe state? This is a […]

How do I use affirmations effectively for the manifestations I want (money, relationships, career etc.)?

This could also be called learning how to talk yourself into a high vibration no matter what. Although I am using money as the subject in this post, you can apply this concept to any area of your life for attraction. Let’s say you want more money because you don’t have as much as you […]