How to express love for myself?

How to express my love for myself? What should I do? How will I know that I love myself the most and put myself first? This is hard for me to understand. Thank you very much

Great question and perhaps the most important question for living a high vibration. It is hard to understand pure unconditional self love because we really didn’t get that information or understanding and that is part of what my program offers, a reconnect with self love.

As we learn and understand the truth about our self, it is easy to love our self, and that is always a guaranteed high vibration in every part of our life. When we are kind to our self, feel worthy and deserving, when we feel free to express our self and please our self, when we feel the satisfaction that comes with realizing we are the independent creator of our reality and we give full priority to the way we feel, not letting anything take us from that good feeling place – you are loving yourself. When you see the true light in others, when focus your mind away from what you don’t like and towards what you do, you are loving yourself. When you treat yourself to things you like and engage yourself in the things that feel joyful, soothing, fun etc., you are loving yourself. When you accept yourself as you are, you are loving yourself. When you accept others as they are, you are loving yourself. When you accept what is going on in your life as simply what manifested from your vibration, you are loving yourself. When you consciously choose thoughts that feel good you are loving yourself. When you know that you can’t get it wrong and you never get it done, you are loving yourself.

And you know when you are doing an effect job at these things because your life will be filled with circumstances and people that are just pleasant and very satisfying.

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