Category Archive for: Wellness

How do I heal bad acne (or any heal ailment)?

Hi Brian, After reading your self worth post today it made me think of an issue my husband has been dealing with for over 9 years. He had beautiful clear skin all throughout middle school and high school. When he went to military school at age 18, he started breaking out due to the temperature […]

How to express love for myself?

How to express my love for myself? What should I do? How will I know that I love myself the most and put myself first? This is hard for me to understand. Thank you very much Great question and perhaps the most important question for living a high vibration. It is hard to understand pure […]

How do I deal with anxiety?

Hi Brian just a question, I suffer from anxiety, even though I can feel positive, anxiety has a mind of its own. Have you come across or talked about in a post techniques on how to calm the mind and body if something has deeply affected someone. I refuse to believe that everyone can just […]

Any helpful tips to overcome PTSD?

I suffer from ptsd from a violent childhood by my mother.. I struggle to keep positive thoughts and allow in lightness and joy or even basic relaxation.. Can anyone offer any helpful tips to overcome this please Thanks for reaching out Gigi. Ok let’s talk about this from an energy perspective, it’s quite different from […]

How can I stay high vibe when someone close dies?

Hello Brian Withers, this question may have been asked before but I will ask anyways since you are so informative and help support our growth. How do we keep our vibes up especially in trying times, like after the death of a dear one, a friend, a mentor? I am aware that they are in a […]

How does energy vibration fit in with death?

Thanks again Jass for another great question. There is no death in that we are eternal, yes our body goes away but we simply transition to our singular form as Source Energy, pure positive energy. Any of our desires that we did not allow to manifest in this life time are still there and will […]

Do I have energy blockages?

Thanks for the question Pam, it gives me a great opportunity to talk about energy alignment which is really important to understand in terms of allowing out desires to manifest. That is an interesting word, blockage, it gets used by many but has many meanings. I suspect that when a kinesiologist uses it they are […]

How to release an addiction using our personal energy?

Releasing addictions of all kinds (or simply undesired habits) by shifting your energy Before getting into the details, let me just be clear on the definition of alignment, it means that our present moment vibration is a match to the vibration of our desire. It also means that our perspective of our self, of others […]

How does a woman deal with the negativity from PMS?

Brian, while I was reading this a question popped up in my mind. What about days for women that are monthly female cycles? I know I tend to be sometimes in a negative state during those times of the month, I’m sure other females also feel that way, how do we stay High vibe and […]

How do we feel good to get our health back when we are in discomfort?

Here is a great question I received that I am sure many wonder about. The answer will show you that we are really in charge of our life in all ways. Hi ! Brian I was thinking if feeling good is all we need. Then when we are having small health issues like stomach problems […]

When you have been in chronic pain for many years. What is the best way to bring yourself back to health? Also any tips on weight loss?

OK, let’s set this up using an analogy as it is important to understand the accurate perspective about wellness or lack of it. Bear with me as I set this up and go on a little rampage about health care. Let’s say you had a house and up on a hill above the house you […]

How can be I positive when I got pain?

OK let’s understand pain first, it will be helpful. Your natural state of being is wellness. The cells of your body are all intelligent and they know what they need to maintain their balance and wellness and they inspire you accordingly. So what causes our body to experience pain, ailments and really any malfunction. It […]

How do I allow my body to heal?

It is important to realize that when your body is experiencing pain or some malfunction, it is actually doing its job in alerting you that you have an energy misalignment. So many people have fear or powerlessness around physical ailments because for many . . . we are typically taught that such things are outside […]