The Process of Change
By Brian Withers
Updated September 2017

How do we change things that we don’t like in our life to things that we do? The diagram above illustrates what is described below.
When you are experiencing something you don’t like, whether it is negative feelings within (about yourself), or negative circumstances in your life or health issues, it is a sure sign that you have faulty beliefs that are attracting these things. These beliefs, which are stored in your subconscious mind are kind of like a train barreling down the tracks. They have momentum and they keep attracting to you vibrational energy that is equal to the belief and feelings related to these beliefs.
If you want to stop attracting these things you don’t like, and attract what you do, you must stop giving what you don’t like attention. It is your attention to them (with feelings) that feeds them and therefore keeps them alive. It keeps the train barreling down the track towards “what you don’t want” land. Of course, just like a train in full motion that cannot be stopped on a dime and turned in the opposite direction, you cannot stop the negative momentum that is happening in your life and make it instantly change. The trick is to slow the momentum to the point where it can be turned around. To do this, you need to turn your attention to the positive, what you do want. This will slow the negative momentum, and if you stick with it, will cause the train to switch directions and go barreling down the track to “what I do want” land.
The process of slowing the train; that is, instilling more dominant, positive, truth based beliefs in your subconscious is a little different than the way you are used to changing things I suspect. You see it is an invisible process. Each time you have a negative feeling, you need to turn it around with a positive feeling. Each time you do this you are causing a new belief to form, one that is slowing down the train. At some point, after doing this consistently and repeatedly, the new belief will take over and your train will go in the opposite direction causing the attraction of the things you do want. The thing is, you must trust that feelings are vibrations of energy, and that they go to your subconscious mind, essentially as in instruction. You cannot see or touch the feeling, nor see it get deposited into your subconscious. The only way you know it is happening is when your circumstances start to change. This is why it takes repetition, trust and patience.
Emotions are really our guidance system to tell us if we are on course to realize our desires or not. To be on course means we would be in a high vibration and to be off course would mean we are in a low vibration. Negative emotions are low vibrations and positive emotions are high vibrations. When we think a thought and it produces a positive emotion we know we are in a high vibration and a match to what we want. That means we are on course to have it manifest. When we think a thought and it produces a negative emotion we know that we are in a low vibration and not a match to what we want. That means we are off course and it will not manifest. When we have negative feeling thoughts that means we have beliefs that are invalid, that is, they don’t agree with the truth of who we are to be the creator of our reality and the don’t agree with the truth of abundance or the law of attraction, expression and expansion. These beliefs need to be replaced with what is valid. When we have positive feeling thoughts, that means we have beliefs that are valid, that is, they do agree with the truth of us being the creator of our reality, the truth of abundance and the truth of the law of vibration, expression and expansion.
If we allow negative feeling thoughts to get our attention we keep the train taking us towards what we do not want. If we discipline our self to hold steady on positive feeling thoughts regardless of circumstances, then our attention to those thoughts will keep us on the train that takes us towards what we want and we will realize it. As we clean up our faulty beliefs and therefore stop the negative feeling thoughts, we slow down any negative momentum and then start to turn towards positive momentum. Once we do, we get on the new high speed train to “what I do want” land.