Attraction Concepts FAQ
- Letting go of low vibes from past experiences
- How to change my country?
- How much can you change your life in 30 days?
- Why and how does manifestation of our desires happen?
- Do I have energy blockages?
- What does this mean “If a desire is strong then it doesn’t matter what beliefs you have”
- How do beliefs hold us back from attracting what we want and what can we do about them?
- How do I bring my vibration up when I am in a very stressful situation?
- The journey to your desires, understanding what causes the effortless manifestation of them?
- How does Karma factor into the creative process and law of attraction?
- How do I talk my way back to a high vibration from a negative feeling place?
- How to we get to trust that what we want is manifesting?
- When do affirmations work and when do they not work?
- What if we breathe, trust and relax and things do not work to our favor still?
- It’s hard to stay positive – high vibe, all day long, why is it so hard?
- I been floundering trying to figure this out, so much misleading information, how do I get this?
- How much time does it take for things to manifest?
- Does crying put you in a low vibration? I’ve read that it’s good to cry – it helps to relieve stress and tension.
- What keeps people from manifesting what they want?
- Why do rude people still come into my day even though my energy is high vibration?
- When I say “I DID THAT” does that mean I get all of the credit for everything that happens?
- What do I do from morning til night so I attract the good life I want?
- Why does it seem so hard for me to keep a constant high vibe and instead find myself in a low vibe?
- How do I maintain faith (trust) in the creative process, that I am the creator of own reality?
- What is The Creative Process and how does it work?
- How do I use affirmations effectively for the manifestations I want (money, relationships, career etc.)?
- How do I know my desires are manifesting, what am I supposed to do for them to manifest?
- Is our fate already written?
- What does it mean when rainbows show up or numbers etc.?
- Do I have to visualize or see the end result of what I want for it to manifest?
- What is the receiving mode?
- Can energy be “stuck”, can I be “stuck”, why am I positive but still no change?
- Why can’t I seem to change things in my life?
- How do I change beliefs to change my vibration and my life?
- How is it that faith (trust) always wins over fear?
- What is the The Law of Attraction?
- How does thinking about the past, present and future affect my vibration?
- What do beliefs have to do with what I attract into my life?