About Me

Welcome all,
My name is Brian Withers, HCT, CECP, author of Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness and Harmony and Higher Vibrations for a Happy, Healthy and Harmonious Relationship. I am a Life Coach specializing in personal empowerment the natural way, which is by way of our personal energy vibration. You could call me a Vibration Trainer / Advisor. This means helping people to learn how to take charge of, and change anything in their life; making any aspect of their life into what they want it to be. I discovered from my studies and work over the past 30 years that this is not only possible, it is actually our birth right. I also discovered that there was one common underlying reason for everything that happens in our life, the good, the bad and the ugly, and it is vibration. Further I realized that we actually have control over our vibration. You have read about vibration on the previous About Pages and will see much more on this site.
I hold a Certification in Health and Wellness Coaching. I am also a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner (CECP). The Emotion Code is an understanding of how energy, both positive and negative affect our body and life. It is a practice that helps people release negative energy and return to the natural state of positive energy. Energy can also be referred to as feelings or emotions.
I have used all that I have learned about energy, vibration and personal empowerment in the past 30 years to write a book that helps people to take charge of their life. The book is called Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness and Harmony and in the book is a 20 week program that provides the knowledge and know-how needed for a person to achieve health, happiness and harmony in all aspects of their life, and as a natural consequence, contribute to world harmony.
I can guarantee people if they do my program, they will change the way they think and as they change the way they think, they change their vibration and as they change their vibration their life changes to match that changing vibration.
It is my intention to use my studies, my training, and my material to help people understand their true power to turn what they don’t like about their life into something that they do, be it in the area of relationships, health, career, material wealth etc. A life of health, happiness and harmony is not just for a certain percent of the population – it is available to all. This may sound like a bold statement, but if you were to read all of the material on this site, you would come to understand how this is accurate.
Personally, it has always been my way to be inquisitive, wanting to understand why things happen and how they work; sharing my findings with others. What set me on this course of understanding life and how it really works was the death of my wife at a young age as well and several family members as young ages to various dis-eases. I became very determined to understand what that was all about, I was determined to get the answers. What was most puzzling about the loss of family is that for the most part, they were apparently healthy people and seemingly out of the blue, they were gone. Surely I thought, we are not puppets on a string with random events plucking us off of the planet, or making our day miserable in some way. There has to be a reason for this.
What I have discovered about the cause of health matters is the same cause behind every part of our life. Very early in my studies it became apparent to me that there are some very basic natural laws and truths of nature that we never got educated on. I realized this missing information is the underlying reason for so much of the disease and dissatisfaction in our life. It is also behind why we feel powerless to change our lives. It became obvious to me that if people were going to resolve the issues in their life, they needed to get this missing information and learn how to use it. Knowing what I know now, I feel it is not just my desire to help people with this but it is my my duty to bring awareness to this information and help anyone that is open and willing to learn.
On the personal side, the raising of six children created lots of joy and learning and that experience also has contributed greatly to what you will see on this site and in my material.
Besides my work in this area I have always been active in a variety of fitness, and recreational activities and playing music has always been part of my life.
I have had the benefit of travel and meeting people from all over the world and one thing I noticed, it really doesn’t matter where I was or where people came from, the issues that people face are pretty common. We are subject to our culture and education but invariably the missing pieces of information affect people in a similar way regardless of geographical location.
Between my own personal story and the stories of family, friends and the people I have worked with, there are certainly happy stories, but there is still too much pain and dissatisfaction, I am sure you have seen it as well. I now know there is a way to heal ourselves, live our dreams and help bring peace and harmony to the world; this is what I am sharing with you on this site.
I sincerely wish that you embrace what you find on this site to empower yourself and increase your well being, experience greater joy and move closer to your dreams and desires. It is a dream of mine to help you know that you deserve to live your dreams and desires; that they are waiting for you and that you have the ability to bring them into your life experience. My desire is to help you understand how to do that.
Feel free to contact me at b_withers@ hotmail.com to discuss how my Empowerment Coaching Services, Higher Vibrations Program, and Higher Vibrations Groups may be of benefit to you.