Trusting the Creative Process

By Brian Withers

Do you trust me enough to accept that you are a millionaire before you see the money, that you have a loving relationship before you see your mate, that you have a fun and exciting career before it presents itself, that perfect health is available to you right now even when you have the worst of diagnosis – The Universe.

Do you trust me when I say that your life experiences cause you to ask me for what you want, even before you speak a word or think a thought about it, and that I grant them to you instantly, vibrationally, and a really nice / easy path to receive them – The Universe.

Do you trust that the law of attraction is a simple law of nature that brings like vibrational energies together – The Universe.

Do you trust that the way to have your desires move from vibrational form to physical form is to tell the law of attraction you are ready to receive them, and the way you do that is to glow in the vibration that matches your desire, meaning to think high vibration (good feeling) thoughts dominantly throughout your day – The Universe.

Do you trust that I guide you to your desire using your emotions. When you are glowing at the vibration of your desire you feel positive emotion and when you are not, you feel negative emotion – The Universe.

Do you trust me when I say, for these reasons you are the creator of your reality, you can be, do and have what you want. Do you trust me when I say you came into your physical body to expand on the joy of life and you do this by using each experience to discover what you want and then allowing it to manifest as I have indicated. Do you trust me when I say you can’t lose out on your desire, it’s guaranteed to manifest as soon as you allow it to. Do you trust me when I say you are eternal, you are on this eternal journey of the expansion of the joy of life and so if do not allow your desire to manifest in this life time, it can be the next or the next or the next . . . you get to decide, you are in charge of your life – The Universe.

Do you trust me when I say you are not alone, I got your back, always supporting you, loving you, guiding you – The Universe.