Posts by: Brian

How do we feel good to get our health back when we are in discomfort?

Here is a great question I received that I am sure many wonder about. The answer will show you that we are really in charge of our life in all ways. Hi ! Brian I was thinking if feeling good is all we need. Then when we are having small health issues like stomach problems […]

How do beliefs hold us back from attracting what we want and what can we do about them?

Our beliefs are in our subconscious mind, it’s kind of like a storage cabinet.  Beliefs represent active energy in our vibration and so when they are limiting and faulty, that means we are offering low vibrations and attracting what we don’t want.  How do we deal with this? Well, some topics you can use ignoring […]

How do I bring my vibration up when I am in a very stressful situation?

How to bring my vibration up to, hopefully change my situation? Took my car in hoping it was a minor problem. I was shocked to find out the transmission is shot. I can’t afford to have it fixed or another car. I desperately needed this car. My sister & I have no family left. Our […]

What do you do when confronted with physical reality that limits your current ability to buy something or get something for your children?

Thank you Katherine, I really appreciate these questions as they help the group really tune into how this creative process works and how to work it. This is a great scenario to launch a very important explanation with many energy vibration teaching points. First let’s get clear on the situation from an energy perspective. You […]

How do I improve my relationship with someone?

When you want a relationship with anyone to improve, whether a family member, co-worker, spouse, friend etc. it is because it is not the way you want it to be. It is not your ideal or desired relationship experience with that person. This means there a 2 sides to the relationship. It means there is […]

The journey to your desires, understanding what causes the effortless manifestation of them?

Many people as they learn that there is a law of nature called the law of attraction, immediately want to know, how do I use this law so that I can attract what I want into my life. In this way the law is viewed as a way to get that thing that is missing […]

When you have been in chronic pain for many years. What is the best way to bring yourself back to health? Also any tips on weight loss?

OK, let’s set this up using an analogy as it is important to understand the accurate perspective about wellness or lack of it. Bear with me as I set this up and go on a little rampage about health care. Let’s say you had a house and up on a hill above the house you […]

How does Karma factor into the creative process and law of attraction?

Let’s have a look into this notion of Karma and how it relates to the creative process and you as the creator of your reality. Some people think of Karma is what goes around comes around, what you give out, you get back and that is pretty much the law of attraction, although what you […]

I want to be a billionaire, how?

The very short answer to this persons statement is, this person is a billionaire now, we all are (if we desire to be). It’s not about getting the billion, it’s all about allowing it to manifest. It’s done, it’s already there and waiting in vibrational reality. When a female is pregnant, you don’t hear her […]

Besides feeling good, is there another means to attract money faster?

Question from member Creating and trusting our good thoughts feeling good and eagerness to receive are our tools to manifest what we want. Is there means to attract faster manifestations for money? aside fr. staying in high vibration mode. Answer If you are happy and satisfied now, if the journey is sweet, if you are […]

How do I talk my way back to a high vibration from a negative feeling place?

This specific talk sequence below was to help a person who felt rejected after a job interview did not go as they liked.    Now this is where vibrational awareness and mind mastery helps us to remain high vibe so we can can continue to attract what we want even when things in our immediate […]

How to we get to trust that what we want is manifesting?

I am getting some feedback and answering questions around the topic of trust – trusting the creative or manifesting process. Questions like how can we really trust that what we want is coming? How do we know it’s on its way? What should I be doing or what can I do to speed it up? […]

When do affirmations work and when do they not work?

If you use affirmations to ask for what you want, generally, they don’t work. If you use affirmations to get into a good feeling place, they most likely don’t work Let me explain this then I will explain when they do work. If you are using an affirmation to ask for what you want, then […]

What if we breathe, trust and relax and things do not work to our favor still?

We tend to believe that in order to get what we want we have to do things to make it happen, in other words, we are responsible for figuring out how, when, where, who etc. That is a flawed believe, not true at all. The way the creative process works is this, 1) life causes […]

It’s hard to stay positive – high vibe, all day long, why is it so hard?

I often get a comment saying that it is hard to maintain a high vibration with everything going on in the day. How do you feel good while things and people around you are challenging, not the way you want? Well we know if you want to have the things you want to manifest, you […]

I been floundering trying to figure this out, so much misleading information, how do I get this?

Comment / Question I feel like I’ve been floundering for some time trying to figure all of this out. There is so much misleading info out there that I think it sets people off on prolonged paths. But your explanations are so thorough and logical, I feel like I’m getting it. I have a sense […]

How do we keep our vibe high when we start to feel negative from a thought in mind or from thought of a person or a person in your space etc.

Here is the whole question  “sometimes we experience some bad situations.. or had some bad experiences.. if that thought or person comes into your mind or infront of you.. at that time we loose our vibes.. how to workout on this”.   This is a really important question in terms of the creative process and […]

When manifesting money does it come in small bits or start flowing big quickly?

The full question is this.  Do you find that, in terms of money, it starts to come in small bits – like an indication that your vibe is working and building from there? Or it comes in the full form of what you envision after extended time in a high vibe state? This is a […]

How much time does it take for things to manifest?

This is a very important question Kathrine and the answer is very important to the very allowing of what we want to manifest. Let me set this up and then you will understand my answer. The answer may seem strange and based on our traditional beliefs about acquiring things, it is strange. Living from an […]

Does crying put you in a low vibration? I’ve read that it’s good to cry – it helps to relieve stress and tension.

Very good question Audrey. The answer is very important to understand in terms of using your emotions to guide you to a high vibration. Think of emotions as relative to other emotions, to be clear, sadness is a lower vibration than optimism but much higher than depression.  Crying, on the emotional scale (lets say sadness) […]