How do I change beliefs to change my vibration and my life?

To record a new belief in your mind, be it about having what you want or your the power you have to create your own reality, it’s kind of like a video game. I don’t know if you play video games or seen anyone play them but regardless you will see my point.  Many video games are setup where you have a character and he / she has to beat a “boss” to get to the next level. To beat this “boss” takes repeated strikes without giving up and if the “boss” gets you then you have to start over again. Obviously if the “boss” gets you, you need to use new strategies next time around. This is identical to replacing an old belief with the new.  Think of a belief as your “boss”, but in the world of vibration you get to determine who your “boss” is and if you don’t like it, you can change it as follows:  The old negative belief (Boss) you unknowingly accepted when you were very young is the one causing that negative voice in your head and therefore attracting the circumstances you don’t want.  To defeat it (displace it), you have to keep hitting it with a new belief (repeated thought) that will produce the vibration that will attract the results you want.   The way to “hit” this old belief is to turn away from it, give it no attention and then give attention to the new belief using thoughts and images to generate feelings related to what you want as a life experience.  You must do this every time the negative experience occurs.  Each time you turn away from it, it weakens and the new belief starts taking hold.

The trouble is we don’t think it is doing anything because we don’t see immediate results but it is working and if we stick with it,  keep turning away from that negative voice / feelings each time they show up, one of those times, just like in the video game where you defeat the “boss”, the new belief becomes dominant and you now have a new dominant positive vibration.  The new belief (positive boss) will cause you to offer high vibration thinking and attract what you want, thus you have now changed your life experience as it pertains to that belief.   But remember you did it on the inside, not the outside, the inside is where all change takes place and it is at the vibration level.


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