How do I release negative thoughts about others and therefore allow the manifestation of what I want
These are the reasons to let go of low vibes which will then allow those things you want to manifest
1) There are no “bad” people, just people that behave badly because they do not understand their energy nature and are acting from faulty and limiting beliefs. Remember we are not a body with a soul, we are a soul (source energy) with a body and at source we are all gold. We are all love, joy, creative intelligence, unique, abundant and really all good things. It is only our lack of teachings that cause us to accept faulty beliefs along the way and then behave accordingly. Everyone can gain alignment with the source within them at any time and then they would display, act in the loving ways of their true nature.
2) When someone purposely does something towards us that is unkind, nasty, disrespectful, and the like, we must, absolutely must understand and accept that the only way we could have that experience is if we too shared a low vibration energy frequency. It is true that they are in a low vibration to act in that way, but we must ask our self the question, how did I get here? What am I doing with my energy that causes me to rendezvous with this person in this way. So once we accept our share of the responsibility for being there, that we are there because of what we did with our energy, then we can release the details and the blame and simply see it for what it is, a manifestation of our energy. Now that our mind is free from say defensiveness, or taking it personally or feeling it is unfair etc. We can say to our self, what experience does this cause me to want. I like it when people are respectful, it feels good when people are cooperative, kind and generous for example. Now it is up to you to emotionally turn away from that circumstance that you caused yourself to be in (with your energy) and shift to the feelings of the thing you like. When you do this repeatedly you are releasing the energy from what you don’t like and putting it into what you do. As you do this you create new dominant energy and a new manifestation of the interactions you do want and like. When you look at it this way, from this energy perspective, you can actually have gratitude to the person, of course not for their behavior, but for making you aware of the energy you are offering, because that gave you the opportunity to shift it and get more of what you want. When we look with new eyes, we can change our life.
3) Every moment of every day, everything that happens, it is the return of your energy. This is the law of attraction. It says show me your energy, I will match you up with equal energy. Show me new energy, I will show you new circumstances. In this way we are all rewarded. We are rewarded via the energy we offer. If you hold yourself in a high vibration of kindness, peace, happiness, enthusiasm, etc. you will have these things returned. If you hold yourself in a low vibration of blame, guilt, anger, frustration, sadness, worry, doubt etc. you will have circumstances that match these energies returned to you. This is why it is critical to think the thoughts you want to think and not let circumstances dictate your thinking, when you do you give away your power as a creator to those circumstances and you continue to manifest them over and over.
4) Confucius said, he who seeks revenge should dig 2 graves. This is true because revenge is a powerful negative energy that will draw to you its equal. There is another phrase, you may get others with your revenge but you will get yourself too. Once you realize no one is doing anything to you other than showing you the vibration you are offering you will let them off of the hook and focus more on shifting your energy so they go away, or at least their unwanted behavior does. Many people find this, as they shift their energy, they see a new side of a person. We can’t change others, but we can change our selves and that will manifest a change in our interaction with others, or they will fall out of our life if there is no matching energy.
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