How to connect with my ideal mate?

In terms of connecting with your ideal mate

The source within you knows where they are and how to get you to them and them to you in a very easy and fun way. So your job is not to look for them, to figure out how to get them. You job is to chill,to relax, to have fun, to find ease, to do the things that bring you joy, think the things that give you ease.   This is the path to your mate.   It is not about manifesting them, it is about allowing them to manifest and that is a very big difference.  When you look for them, when you think, where are they, when are they coming, why have they not come, time is running out, what if they don’t find me, what if am left alone. All of these types of thoughts inhibit you from allowing the law of attraction from connecting you with the path that leads to them. This is low vibration thinking and they are at a high vibration. You must learn to trust the source within you, it has your back, it is loving you in every moment, supporting you, guiding you to all your dreams, through your emotions. When you feel good, what you want is manifesting, when you do not feel good, it is slowing you down.

So love yourself, accept yourself, respect yourself. Don’t look for approval, do not look for validation, please yourself, make yourself happy, do the things that bring joy to your heart. Look in the mirror and know you are truly worthy and deserving. You don’t have to take the first one that comes along, you don’t have to settle for anyone, you can have it your way. You are special and you are unique and you are the creator of your reality. Don’t let anyone ever make you think differently, no one holds power over you unless you let them. Feel that lovely relationship experience inside of you so it can manifest outside of you, but really, you don’t have to think about it at all, you can think of anything that brings lovely thoughts and you will connect with the path to your mate all the same because once you are in a high vibration, for any reason, the law of attraction will bring you along the path that the source within you has setup. So stop looking and start feeling.

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