How do I allow my body to heal?
It is important to realize that when your body is experiencing pain or some malfunction, it is actually doing its job in alerting you that you have an energy misalignment. So many people have fear or powerlessness around physical ailments because for many . . . we are typically taught that such things are outside of us and we have nothing to do with them, so obviously we look for an outside remedy. But this of course is flawed thinking, not true at all. All of our body functioning is 100% related to our energy momentum. I find it very empowering and even soothing just to know that, that I am in charge of how my body is feeling and functioning, knowing that it knows how to look after itself as long as I keep negative energy out of the way. That is the only thing that interferes with our natural state of well being.
So what can you say to yourself in addition to it’s OK, and just a manifestation of my energy; there are 2 things I found can be helpful. 1, this is a temporary condition and 2, help is on the way. I find these two statements very soothing because they are very true and empowering. Anything in our life really is a temporary condition because it is the manifestation of energy we offered. Change the energy, change the condition. When our body feels pain it means the cells have summoned for what they want and that help is on the way and will get to where it is going as soon as we drop the negative energy. So you can take what ever outside remedy gives some relief, but take it from the perspective as a temporary form of relief only while you work on releasing resistance so the inner intelligence or your body and source energy can take over and bring things back in balance.
One last thought is this, don’t deny your pain, it is OK to say yes my body hurts, yes my body does not feel well, it is just letting me know I have some work to do on alignment. I am taking the emotional journey back to wellness, I am working on aligning my energy and as I do my body will reflect that. I know at the same time I have physical pain I can actually induce emotional ease. Just remember there is a very big difference between having an ailment and having fear, or frustration, or hopelessness and having an ailment and feeling hopeful and optimistic. Very very big difference. Once perpetuates the ailment and the other allows it to heal.
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