What is the receiving mode?

Thanks for your question, it is good for everyone to understand this because life is not about going out and making things happen, or wondering when or if they will happen, it is about knowing they have already happened (vibrationally) and so it is a matter of allowing them to happen (in our physical reality). We do this by getting into the receiving mode. Let me explain.
Typically most people think when they want something, hmmm, how will I get this thing I want and other people think, hmmm, I am going to attract this thing so I will do this, think this, say this etc. In both cases there is effort, one more physical and one more mental, but still effort. The thing about manifestation is, it is effortless once we get into the receiving mode.
To fully understand, one must understand the complete creative process not just think in terms of the law of attraction, which is simply a law of nature that tells us that 2 matching energies will be brought together. What are these energies? That is what we want to know because that is where we need to pay attention to.
So the creative process. As you live each day of your life things happen, now they happen because of the energy you are offering whether you realize it or not. When things happen that you don’t like, that is, you don’t get what you want, or your get something you don’t want you immediately ask for what you do. So if have a job you don’t like or aspects of a job you don’t like, you ask for the improved job experience. If you find you are disrespected, you ask for respect, if you don’t accept yourself, you ask for acceptance and so on. This is step 1, the asking and it happens because of the unwanted experience. Now as soon as the asking happens, it is given, it is given every time no exceptions. So you ask who is giving and if they are giving it, where is it. This is where you must understand that there is a larger part of you, source energy (some may call it soul or other names), in fact, you as a physical being are the extension of this source. So source creates your request instantly but not in your physical world, it creates it in your vibrational reality.
You can probably start to see now, this concept of the receiving mode. So step 3 in the creative process is for you to allow this desire of yours to manifest, which means to move it from vibrational reality to physical reality. This is the job of the law of attraction. You see source has setup the desire and the path to it, its all done, everything is figured out for you to have it in your experience. Now here is a very important detail, that desire and the detailed path, its all at a high vibration (energy frequency). How do we know that, because you feel happy, joy, excitement etc when you think about this desire. So there is just one thing you must do to allow it to manifest; to allow the law of attraction to connect you with this path, to RECEIVE the details of this path, and that is to be in a high vibration in your present moment conscious mind. When you are in a high vibration, which is the same as saying you are feeling happy, joyous, eager, confident, satisfaction, ease, calm, enthusiasm, compassion, abundance, freedom, curiosity, interest etc. you are in the receiving mode. So that is what is meant by the receiving mode.
So when we allow current circumstances that are not the way we want them to be to take us to a low vibration like sadness, guilt, frustration, anxiety, powerlessness, unworthy, boredom, etc. then we are not in the receiving mode, but only by choice. We must understand we can feel good even when things around us are not as we like and as we do we get into the receiving mode to receive the improved experience we want. Our life experience will transform. We have that much power.

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