Do I have to visualize or see the end result of what I want for it to manifest?

A. K. this is an excellent question and yes many are confused about how the creative process works. Let me see if I can clear it up. Ok what causes our experiences? It is our personal energy vibration – the law of attraction receives our vibration and brings us together with the matching vibration. The law of attraction does not know why you feel happy or sad or anything else, it just knows how you feel, the feeling is the energy vibration. You may be thinking about a past relationship, a desired relationship, an imagined relationship, the law of attraction does not know. You may be holding your mates hand, the law of attraction does not know why you choose to feel they way you do, it just knows how you feel.

It is not true at all that you have to hold the end result in your mind to have your desire manifest. You can if it feels good, it can be a good strategy, but that’s what it is, a strategy to a high vibration. The thing is for many people, thinking about what they want challenges their beliefs so much that it causes them to feel down when they start thinking about the end result. So it is not helpful to think about it at all and instead find other ways to feel good.

In some cases a topic may be so active in our life that we just can’t not think about it so we have to find a new way to think about it that feels good. For example quitting a job we don’t like, to quit can bring far more resistance so we need to find a way to shift the energy while we still work there and when we shift the energy, our job experience changes. So it’s all about finding the thoughts that give ease, joy, relief, happiness. It does not matter what those thoughts are. You could use gratitude, you could find positive aspects, you could think about things that are working, you could use statements like it feels nice to think about, you could use affirmations, visualizations. They are all just strategies for one reason and one reason only. They help you to release resistance and activate a high vibe. Once you are at a high vibe, then everything you want just starts manifesting, all of the details come starting with thoughts, everything, and all you have to do is act on what comes. It’s like you have a team of people working for you making it all happen. It really is.

So you can visualize him if it feels good, but you can just visualize a loving relationship with a blank face or you don’t have to visualize a relationship at all, you can use other methods to get to a high vibe. Once you are there, if he is there then the loa has the basis to connect you and if the 2 of you have loving history and start holding each other in your minds in this way it is likely he will be the match, but only the law of attraction knows for sure if you have matching energy. You have to trust the process, trust source energy and trust the loa to bring you the loving relationship experience you want.

So if you are in a good place as you say, you are on track, you are doing the best thing you can do to attract the kind of relationship you desire. In this good feeling place, you are in the receiving mode, it means your energy is ready for you to receive your desire. Another way to say it is when you are high vibe you are allowing the loa to connect you with your desire.

Hope this helps

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