What does it mean when rainbows show up or numbers etc.?

G says, I have a thinking, I want to know about the meaning or significance of seeing a rainbow.
Hi G, 
Rainbows – if rainbows are showing up in your life it is because you have energy that is attracting them, remember everything that shows up in your life is because it matches your vibration energy. Now what is significant about this is that it helps you to know you have the power to attract what you desire. Whether it is a rainbow, a butterfly, a feather or any other object . . . if you set your focus on something, think about it in an endearing way with no resistance, just delighted in the thought of it, it manifests. You can do that with anything. So when a rainbow shows up, it is the source within you, the larger part of you saying, see I want you to know that you can be, do and have what you want, just like you enjoy rainbows and they feel nice to you to think about, then they show up, you can do this with anything.
The rainbow was not sent to you, you invited the rainbow with your energy vibration and the law of attraction fulfilled your request for that rainbow. So these things help you to know that you are the creator of your reality.
Their are other things that show up as well, like meeting someone, finding a book, hearing an interview that help you to receive your desire.   These are things on the path to your desire.  These things source energy arranges for you to receive your desire, remembering that you can only connect with the path from a high vibration, so you are still responsible for their presence.

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