What is The Creative Process and how does it work?

The creative process is a 3 step process. Step 1, life causes you to ask. Just by living day by day, when things happen you don’t like, like not enough money, or not the loving relationship then it automatically causes you to ask for money and the loving relationship. The source within you hears this asking even though in the moment you are probably not aware you are asking (because your thinking is probably engaged in that thing you don’t want, focused on it). Step 2 is that the source within you sets up your desire in vibrational reality. So all those things you want, they are ready for you, right now, for you to receive. It’s just a matter of moving them from vibrational reality to physical reality. That is the job of the law of attraction. So step 3 is for you to give instructions to the law of attraction to manifest those things into your experience. You do that by offering a high vibration to the law of attraction. That means feeling good, feeling at ease, peaceful, calm, could be joy, happiness etc. No resistance. Once you are in this state of high vibe that is called the receiving mode or the allowing mode. So you can use any topic or subject to feel good, just achieve a feeling of happiness, joy, satisfaction, ease using any thoughts you can and the loa will connect you with the path to realize your desire. 

In this way you are never really waiting because it is done, it is just a matter of the manifestation process happening and it is happening right now based on you allowing it.   When you hold a high vibe and the loa brings you back another high vibe thought, that is the manifesting in the early stages, so its not a matter of when it will happen, it’s happening, most people just don’t understand the process and are looking for the physical evidence but the early part is not physical, it’s ideas, thoughts, urges, inspirations that then lead to action and cooperative circumstances like hearing an interview, seeing a book, right time, right place and so on.  

To be in a high vibration, you want to tell your story and only your story, don’t face any reality you don’t want to continue to recreate.   The law of attraction does not know what is going on in your life, it just knows the vibration you are offering.  Focus on what you like about your life, positive aspects, things to appreciate, what’s working, look for the good, and look for ways to feel good.    Fill in the rest with pretending, imagination, acting as though or as if.    Be aware of any negative feeling coming on, this is resistance, release it right away.     You can see my article called Maintaining a High Vibrations in the Info section.   There is also a short version called Shifting from negative to positive energy.   A similar article called Your Emotional Guidance System can also help to turn away from resistance and restore high vibe.

If you want more information on the creative process, see my Youtube Video called How to Get the Life you want.   It fully explains it with pictures.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJvwbnL8mN8HijridGNhfVQ



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