What do I do from morning til night so I attract the good life I want?

There really are 4 things to do each day that enables a person to attract / allow the experiences they want to manifest.   You can do this in specific areas of your life or your life in general.


Tell your story.   Think about the life you want, the one you can see yourself in and write about it.   Make a story out of it, not just affirmations but think of it like someone has asked you to write down the story of your life like you were writing a book telling about this wonderful life you can see yourself living.   Include all the details.   And build on it as you think of more details, it is a living story which unfolds more as you experience life.   You can collect pictures that represent this life.  You can put them on computer in a book and so you can go through a picture show or slide show.   You can add music, do what ever it takes to bring it to life in your mind.   Visit this every day, so much that it just automatically jumps into your mind during the day.      When you tell your story, the law of attraction does not know if you are telling it from what you are observing or what you are imagining, it just picks up the vibe so as you practice this story, the vibration of this story, that vibration has to come back to you.



Look at your life as it is now and write the following lists, again update the lists as you think of more things to add.   Have a list of things you are grateful for, have a list of positive aspects, have a list of what is working, have a list of things that feel good and one that contains things that feel good to think about.   This will keep you focused on what is good about your life, so you maintain that feeling of goodness, that is high vibration.



Be acutely aware of how you are feeling and if you sense a negative feeling, stop / pause your thinking, neutralize the negativity then turn your thoughts back to what feels better to think about, a new perspective.   You can go back to what you wrote in 1. or 2. or have a specific stream of thoughts that address a specific issue in your life so that you soften it, sooth it and make it OK.   You want to reduce, release all resistance, not resistance at all, resistance takes down your vibe, that that attracts what you don’t want instead of what you do.



Trust, you must trust in the creative process, you must know that when you are feeling good that means you are high vibe and when you are high vibe, you are allowing the law of attraction to connect you with what you want.   You know that you will receive the inspiration, the instinct and intuition to act.    A high vibration is telling the law of attraction that you are ready to receive what you desire.    So don’t look for the thing you want, just keep manifesting the feeling of it and it will come.


In terms of using these 4 strategies to a high vibration.   When you start your day, start with 15 minutes of meditation.   This brings the mind to a state of non resistance and vibe automatically rises.   This gets positive momentum going and gets the law of attraction bringing you good feeling thoughts that are on the path to what you want, thoughts are the first part of the path to your desires and it builds from there as the momentum continues to build.    Think of vibration energy like a train going faster and faster, the more you think good feelings thoughts, the more come, the more you think of them and your positive high vibration momentum causes “things” to start manifesting.

If there is something in your life that is causing you resistance, you want to practice a specific positive response to that situation so that when in happens you have a positive response to offer and avoid any resistance, maintain your vibe.

You can spend a few minutes in your story and looking over your lists as in 2) above.   You don’t have to review them all everyday, just what ever it takes to get the good feelings flowing.   Also it is likely you will think of more things to add to them in your waking up routine as there is no resistance and good thoughts will come.   Always add the good thoughts to your applicable list.

You may have some specific things you would like to see happen in the day, so just picture sending those requests out in a bubble for the law of attraction.   Remember feel the goodness of that request, don’t look for it, the looking is resistance, the feeling is allowance.

Now you are ready for the day, this is called prepaving your day, setting it up with high vibration so you attract the good, the easy, the fun, the exciting etc.  You want your day to go easy.   When you say to yourself, that was easy, you know you got your vibe going high, if things are going hard, you know you got a low vibe going.   No big deal just settle yourself and refocus as indicated in this document.

How do you know when to act.   If wild horses can’t hold you back, if it’s easy, joyful, fun no resistance, that is the law of attraction having brought you the situation that is going to help you receive what you want.    If there is resistance of any kind, any negative feelings, it’s not the time to act.   Sometimes it is the path of least resistance.  Taking the action that is most easy to feel good about, maybe not your ideal situation because of your energy, but take the action that gives you least resistance and let’s you find good feelings easier.

End your day by acknowledging how effective you were to maintain a high vibe.   Where you may need more practice to hold a high vibe and practice this next morning.   Be OK, know everything is OK, you are on your journey, you are powerful and have the support of the universe for your success.   You can’t get it wrong and never get it done because you are constantly expanding and learning what you prefer.   Get your mind to a place of ease with thoughts, music or anything that brings a sense of ease, chilled out, relaxed, peaceful and then drift to sleep.

You can see what is happening here is that you are engaging your mind intentionally to always be in a good feeling / high vibration state.   That is all it takes to allow the manifestation of your dreams and desires.  Everything else is take care of  as you can see in the FAQ called What is The Creative Process and How does it work?



The following references support this daily practice.

On my website at highervibrations.now consult the article Starting Your Day with Positive Momentum.   It is under Info>Articles 1.   This will also draw on some other articles.  Read and practice what is in those articles which supports what you read here.

You can also see my Youtube Series called How to Get the Life you Want.    It really gives a good account of the creative process and your power to be the creator of your reality.   You can get the link on the home page of my website highervibrationsnow.com

For a more comprehensive training process to train your mind for high vibration thinking and therefore allow the manifestation of all you want, you can acquire my book Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness and Harmony which contains a 20 week program to help you understand your energy nature and train your thinking to high vibration thinking.   It is a virtual users guide to direct your energy and can be used for the rest of your life to help you keep your vibration high.

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