Why do rude people still come into my day even though my energy is high vibration?

Great question. The answer is energy momentum. When we decide to stop reacting to the thing we attracted so we stop attracting it,  it just doesn’t stop immediately because there is momentum to the vibration that caused that attraction. So as you keep responding positively, not getting upset, not pushing up against it,  just say, it is going away, it is slowing down, the new attraction is coming, my new energy offering is getting stronger and will soon take over as the dominant momentum.  As you respond positively each time, the momentum of the old energy slows down until it is no longer attracting and the momentum of the new energy picks up until it is the attractive energy.  It may take a couple of weeks or even a few months, it just depends on how much momentum the old energy had.   And this is the thing that trips so many people up. They think I have changed my energy, why is the same old thing still happening, many get discouraged and give in to the old reaction unaware that they were moving to a new attraction.  So keep steady to give no negative energy to this situation, just acknowledge “I have more work to do to completely release that old vibration”, “It’s OK, it’s going away”.  If you stick with it, you will see this is true. Once you see it once then you will have confidence about the process hence forth.

To see how the change in our vibration affects the change in our life experience see the following diagram. Change in vibration, change in life graph


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