When manifesting money does it come in small bits or start flowing big quickly?

The full question is this.  Do you find that, in terms of money, it starts to come in small bits – like an indication that your vibe is working and building from there? Or it comes in the full form of what you envision after extended time in a high vibe state?

This is a bit of long answer but I think it will help put it into perspective. It would be directly related to the resistance being released. Let me explain it like this. Let’s say you have a huge water reservoir up on a hill and you have a hose that brings the water down to a house at the bottom of the hill. When the hose is uninhibited it gives full flow of water, more than enough. But now let’s say a rock rolls onto the hose pinching it off about 90%. Well the flow really slows down and we are not getting enough water so we look into what happened. We find the rock that is on the hose. It is a big rock. If we get a heavy machine, it will push the rock off and total flow comes back. If we use wedges and levers and slowly move the rock off of the hose, the flow comes back gradually to full – over the time it takes us to completely dislodge the rock.

You can probably see my point here. We have had a life time of putting down a lot of resistance in one way or another and thus inhibiting the flow of natural abundance into our life and now we are finally learning that we have an unlimited source of what we want and we can let it flow into our life any time. The thing is now, we got to dislodge / displace this resistance. This brings up a really great point. Everyone wants the heavy machinery to instantly dislodge the resistance so we get max flow, but that takes total mind mastery and many people just want the cheat sheets so they can do it quickly. I personally do not know of any cheat sheets or I would have used them. And I won’t say a person can’t shift their energy quickly and in a big way by dropping all resistance quickly, anything is possible but in my experience achieving long term consistent success in allowing manifestation of what we want, it takes time. Why? because as we are working on retraining our thinking, we got all of the old beliefs still present and we got the circumstances that the old beliefs are manifesting. So it is easy to get lured into the old thinking as that momentum is like a water current sweeping at us. This is why it takes commitment and determination, repetition and patience to work on the retraining. And when we fall down, not be hard on our self and keep going.

Now I have seen people engage in weekend seminars and other programs that got their focus so strongly that they released resistance in a big way and “stuff” manifested, but then as they got back to “life” and had to deal with the day to day, resistance returned and flow slowed. This happens quite a bit as people reach for the quick fix but it does not stick and then they get on to the next latest greatest method.

So a big short shift in vibration will bring big short flow but probably not last unless the vibration stays high and the resistance is truly released because a person has really internally shifted their mindset. A shift in vibration that happens over time due to a shifting mindset, meaning it is a more permanent change, the flow will start gradually to increase and continue to increase as resistance is released and vibe is more dominantly (and permanently) high.

As rule of thumb I say to people, give yourself 4 months to learn the creative process and then another 6 to really practice it so that you start to live a new mindset. Now that being said, there are many variables in the learning equation. It depends on how proficient a person is at each of what I call the 4 legs of consistent successful manifestation. If someone is good at 3 of the 4 out of gate then they will probably start seeing changes more quickly but not necessarily. A person may start the process and not be proficient at any of the legs and see results changing within in a couple of weeks because they perhaps have a more open mind. There really is no way to tell how fast it is going to come. But one thing is for sure, as we shift our vibration and consistently raise it up and more dominantly stay there in a high vibe, we are going to see results change, we have to, that is the law of vibration and attraction. Hope this helps.

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