Any helpful tips to overcome PTSD?

I suffer from ptsd from a violent childhood by my mother.. I struggle to keep positive thoughts and allow in lightness and joy or even basic relaxation.. Can anyone offer any helpful tips to overcome this please

Thanks for reaching out Gigi. Ok let’s talk about this from an energy perspective, it’s quite different from the diagnosis perspective and it puts power back in your hands to be in the driver seat of your life experience and really change anything. Based on what you posted . . . what I am going to say here will no doubt be a paradigm shift in thinking for you so you will need to have an open mind to a very different perspective.

First a quick summary to help start looking at this from an energy perspective. As a child you were exposed to violence. This would have caused you to have violent memories from the experiences which no doubt are still vivid present moment thoughts (energy vibrations) at times. It can also be expected that these experiences caused you to take on faulty beliefs (energy vibrations) about yourself and affect your self image, self worth, self respect, self love and possibly faulty beliefs about life in general in terms of the behavior of others. Beliefs will affect the vibrational quality of your present moment thoughts. And without knowing that you actually have control over all of this through your energy, that can almost certainly leave a person in a vulnerable place, understandably there could be lack of confidence, lack of feeling secure, a feeling of powerlessness, a feeling of hopelessness and others as we look to solutions “out there”, rely on others to “fix” us or give us the solution (rather than knowing that we can bring everything back into order from within our selves, total self empowerment).

So now you can see that in your experiences, your personal energy vibration was in play and affected, in fact it is always in play. To help you understand why you struggle to keep positive feeling thoughts . . . this is due to the concept of energy momentum. Your experiences were very stressful which means a great deal of thought focus was put on them, which means those thoughts have a lot of energy momentum. It’s like a car at the top of a hill. If you give it a push but stop it quickly by stepping in front of it, you can, not much momentum. But if you let it get half way down a long hill and try to step in front of it to stop it, not so easy, quite damaging because of the momentum. This is the same with our energy. When you have a thought and you keep it active the law of attraction returns another one like it approximately every 15 seconds. So after a few minutes, that thought becomes a raging river of thoughts. Now if they are positive feeling that’s great because that energy attracts a lot of good things. But if negative not so good. Further if you don’t know how to get out of that raging river it can keep sweeping you along. If you don’t know how to start off your day with positive momentum then that negative raging river can get going over and over again and with no tools to turn it around, it has it’s way. The good news is you can learn how to think, to use your mind in a new way, a way that gives you control over your thoughts, not in a forceful way, but in a gentle kind way that allows you to steer the energy of your thoughts. More on this later.

Now to understand PTSD from an energy perspective. Here is a big paradigm shift. Stress is not a disorder, stress, meaning negative feeling thoughts . . . emotions are your guidance system. Emotions tell you about the vibration energy of your thoughts and when they are negative they are telling you that your thoughts are low vibration. In this way they are your indicators to help you, alert you that it is time to shift your thinking so your vibration rises to its naturally high state. When you have stress or negative feelings, there is nothing wrong at all, your guidance system is working perfectly, we do not want to suppress emotions, or live with negative emotions or try to medicate them, it would be like turning off or ignoring our GPS. We want to listen to our emotions and let them guide our thoughts back to high vibrations. The many labels that medicine puts on the myriad of health conditions . . . they are only describing the fact there there is misalignment in energy; that means we are harbouring low vibration thoughts which puts us out of alignment with our natural state of high vibration. In this way, all ailments are simply energy misalignment’s and since we have total control over our energy to bring it back into alignment, you guessed it, we have total control to cause our selves to return to total wellness, total peace, total fulfillment, all from within us.

So let’s really stand back here for a few minutes and get the big picture of how this all works, your true energy nature, the creative process and the truth about life then you will have a better idea of how you can direct your energy to navigate to the life experience you want. Again this will probably be a paradigm shift in looking at life but once you embrace it, you really get your hands on the steering wheel of your life, you get to take it where you want to go.

I do not know how much, if any, if you understand about the creative process but if this is the first time you are hearing it, some of these pieces may seem quite foreign to you, and possibly kind of far out and take some time to digest, but you have connected with this group so I suspect you are ready for the answer. Here we go, first, important to this discussion is the realization that you have a larger part of yourself which is eternal pure positive energy, Source Energy. You are much more than a body and mind, those things are simply the manifestation of you as Source Energy, here on planet earth to experience a fulfilling life in all ways. Now that might be hard to hear or understand at this point but you will come to understand this as you embrace the truth of life (My article called The Missing Pieces on my website can really help you with this. My Youtube series called How to get the life you want can really help you embrace the creative process. That link is also on my website at

Ok, so here you are in your human form and you as Source energy, you have a dual presence, one seen, one unseen. The physical you comes to 1) discover preferred experiences (from unwanted or unsatisfying experiences) and 2) allow those new experiences to manifest. The unseen you hears the request and creates it instantly as a vibrational reality. The law of attraction receives your present moment energy from your physical self and if it is high vibration it reveals to you all of the details that cause you to realize your desire, easily and effortlessly. If you offer low vibration energy the loa connects you with what matches that, things you don’t like. Another important piece here is your emotions as I previously talked about, they are your guidance system. They tell you if your thoughts are low or high vibration. So you have a system that literally helps you to choose your thoughts to match the vibration of what you want to experience. This creative process is really quite amazing.

Now with this understanding of your total self in mind let’s look at your situation and further understand the creative process. When we experience something we don’t like, such as your childhood experience, it causes us to ask the Source within us for what we want. In your case it would be reasonable to say you asked for security, peace, kindness, fun, joy etc. So the Source within you instantly set that experience up and it has been sitting in your vibrational reality since you were a child. But the law of attraction could not connect you with it because your vibration in those days would have been very low with fear, worry, insecurity, powerlessness etc. Those vibrations do no match the vibration of the desire you asked for and with no one to educate on this, well you were left like most on the planet, no way to navigate your way to the better life you asked for and was made ready for you. That now can all change as you learn about your energy nature and open the door for the experience you want to enter your physical life experience.

In the years since that childhood experience, life went on and in the absence of this knowledge, you endured and found ways to cope with the effects of those experiences, which are obviously not effective as you are still looking for relief. And there are countless people across the planet looking for relief / solutions on may ailments but not getting it “out there”, and as you understand energy they never will get the solution “out there”, perhaps temporary relief but the only solution is to return to energy alignment and that happens on the inside.

So order to achieve the peace you are looking for, that is, let the experience you want to manifest, you are probably starting to realize that you must shift your thinking in a way that will cause a shift in your vibration, that will cause this PTSD condition to stop manifesting and the new desired experience to manifest. You are also probably starting to realize that this condition you are experiencing is not caused by what happened but by your continued thoughts / memories / beliefs about what happened. As long as the thoughts / beliefs about what happened continue to be in the same general vibrational area, the condition called PTSD will continue, but as you change your thoughts the condition will change. In this way all ailments including PTSD are temporary. They can only exist as long as the energy is present that supports them. But since you control the energy, well the condition is temporary based on your thought choice and that is your ultimate power, the power to choose thought. That is what sets up the energy you offer to the law of attraction.

You see, the Source within you knows what you want and how to get it to you and when you offer energy (thoughts) that does not match that desire it sends you emotions like anxiety, depression and others as signals to tell you the thoughts are out of alignment and need to change to be in alignment so what you want can manifest. I cannot say this strongly enough, our emotions are our guidance system to the better life, anxiety, depression, they are not disorders they are part of our emotional guidance system. When we ignore them or try to suppress them or sweep them under the carpet or medicate them we are wiping out our guidance system to ever getting home to our desires. We can do things for temporary relief while we work on the energy but that is all those outside things can ever be, a form of temporary relief.

So what is at hand here in terms of resolving to your objective to overcome this condition is learning to talk yourself up the emotional scale, knowing how to give yourself emotional relief through effective high vibe thinking. This allows you to let go of negative resistant thoughts and then your vibration rises and your mind and life fills with peace, joy and fulfillment in all ways. This happens because your present moment energy is a vibrational match to your desires, that is energy alignment.

Learning to give yourself emotional relief of course includes understanding why things happen as they do in the first place and seeing the value in all situations, even the unwanted, seeing it as the bounce point for a much improved life experience. If we learn to see circumstances for what they are vibrationally, then we really can learn to easily accept and move to the vibration that allows what we want to manifest. If we don’t know how to get peace with things in our life, then there will always be a low vibe association and the conditions related to that energy cannot go away because the present energy supports the condition. We must get to a point where we feel at ease to reach acceptance, not swallow it, not sweep it under the rug but honestly come to peaceful terms about it and it takes an understanding of energy, the creative process and why we come into these physical bodies in the first place to achieve that.

So if you want to release this condition from your life you can, it takes an education and training journey. In the space of a year or less you could completely release this condition from your life, and never have it be a player in your life again. You can transform any part of your life from what it is now to what you want it to be, you have the power, great power to be, do and have the life experiences you want but you must gain the understanding and application of your energy and really how life is meant to be.

If you are interested to know about starting this journey, let me know and I will give you guidance.

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