What do beliefs have to do with what I attract into my life?
Everything that is going on in your life, the good, the bad and the ugly, is related to your beliefs, your beliefs about yourself and your beliefs about life.
In the first roughly 7 years of our life, most of us unknowingly accepted faulty beliefs about our self and life. The beliefs could have come from the way were treated, the way we seen others treated, the way others treated each other, the way others behaved and their beliefs, and also from TV, school, religion etc. This is the source of information that silently influences our thinking which leads to our feelings, vibration, what we attract and our behaviors. Most important is that these feelings go into the law of attraction as a vibration which then attracts the equal vibration to us. Here is the kicker. Since our current vibration always attracts its equal and we so often base our thought-feelings on our beliefs, we tend to re attract the same things over and over again. We essentially and unknowingly prove our self right even if it is not in our best interest. For example, you might believe, “I always get caught in line ups”. If this agitates you or frustrates you or annoys you then you are sending this message to the law of attraction and low and behold it orchestrates circumstances such that you end up in more line ups. When you end up in another line up, you then repeat the same thing all over, saying the same thing to yourself (or others) and feeling the same feelings. This is a self fulfilling cycle of doom.
If line ups are the worst thing that happens to you in your life then you would seem to really have it easy. But consider other beliefs that really can make life miserable, unenjoyable, dissatisfying, unfulfilling and down right painful. Men are (fill in the blank), women are (fill in the blank), life is one big long pile of BS then you die, money is hard to come by, people take advantage of you, life isn’t fair, you have to know people if you are ever going to get ahead. I can’t because (fill in the blank). I need to wait for the economy to improve before I can (fill in the blank). Then there is the whole series of ” I ams”. I am too this or too that, I don’t deserve (this or that), I will never (fill in the blank), the list is long. Of course then we look around and have the “They are” beliefs , “The why not me” beliefs etc.
Look at your life, take a good look at the results you are getting. Do you like them? Really be honest with yourself. If not examine your beliefs, ask yourself, where did that belief come from and how is it serving me? If it is not serving you in living the life you want to live, then change it to one that does. Also, before responding or reacting to anything in your life, STOP and THINK, how am I about to respond and react, why would I respond or react in that way, what do I believe, what am I afraid of, what other options do I have, what would I like to see happen here, what do I want my experience to be?
These questions will start to loosen the grip that your beliefs have on you and give you space to install new ones that give you more of what you want and release you from the results that you do not like.
If you need any help with this, review the articles on this website or consider doing my 20 week program for taking charge of your thinking, your vibration and your life. It is in my book Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness and Harmony.
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