What is the The Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction can be a little bit to digest at first because it asserts that everything about your life is there because you (intentionally or unintentionally) attracted it with your vibration – EVERYTHING both the good and the bad.   It is the cause for all of the effects, the conditions, the circumstances, the exchanges, the happenings in your life.   It lets you know that there are no random occurrences, luck or chance – your vibration is cause, and what it attracts is the effect.   When you don’t realize that this is the way life works, it tends to make the happenings of some things in your life hard to swallow as your responsibility.  Occurrences, circumstances and conditions that you don’t want, wouldn’t ask for, and probably think you had nothing to do with, you did, albeit unknowingly but the law does not consider if you know about it our not, it simply responds to your vibration.

Once you do realize, and embrace that it is your vibration that attracts the experiences that you don’t like, and you realize that you are in charge of your vibration, that can give you huge relief because then you know that you are equally as capable to offer a high vibration as a low one and intentionally attract the things you do like.  Now that’s power, that is empowerment.

Believe it or not, you were offering a vibration from day 1.  And we continue to offer a vibration every moment to which the law of attraction is responding to.   So if your life experience in the various areas of your life is staying relatively the same, that means you are maintaining a consistent vibration in those areas, if any area of your life is changing it is because YOU are changing your vibration (conscious or unconsciously) relative to that area.   When I say your life experience is changing, I mean your overall satisfaction in that area is changing, I don’t mean just an odd good or bad experience change.

Sometimes we “force” changes in our life, make them happen, like maybe quit our job and get a new one.   It is very likely that when we quit, it’s an action from a low vibe state of mind, like boredom, frustration, unfair etc.   This means we have not changed our vibe to attract a better experience, we just forced it, so after the newness and excitement of the new job ends, we find the old vibration, once again attracting to us something like what we thought we left behind.   The thing is, although we left it behind physically, we did not leave it behind vibrationally, so the law of attraction delivers to us similar unwanted circumstances that resemble the job we left.  This happens in all areas of life, especially relationships.

If we find we are in a cycle of the same old circumstances despite making changes, that is a sure sign we have not made a permanent change to our dominant vibe.   This is why weight loss for example (for many) only lasts a short while before returning to the previous weight.   Without intentionally changing the root cause, vibration, we will always return to the former condition whether it is weight or anything else.  In fact if you change something on the outside and your life satisfaction actually changes, I can guarantee that you shifted your vibration (whether you know it or not) and your action came out of a high vibration.   You may not be aware that you shifted your vibration as the cause for the change, and you may attribute the change to the outside condition but your life can only change with a shift in the vibration.  This is why when the same outside solution is applied to different people, there are often different results.   The results will be related to each individuals vibration.

What you are experiencing as your life is only one possibility of infinite possibilities.    Like a string on an instrument, if we tighten it we get one vibrational sound result and if we loosen it we get another.   In fact each change in the tension of the string produces a different vibration which produces a different sound result.   You could also use the example of tuning into a radio station, one frequency, one station but there are many stations available if we tune into them.  This same concept applies to your life.   You can make a permanent shift in your vibration and you can shift it when and as often as you like to experience the life you want.   You have incredible power; it’s just a matter of learning how to take charge of your vibration. My 20 week program empowers you to do this and when you raise your vibration, it causes / allows your desires to manifest.  If you want to get an idea of your vibration you can complete my  Vibration Indicator Questionnaire


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